★Lesson 53: Out of the Bath (お風呂から出たら)
親: |
Let's get in the tub. お湯につかろうね |
子: |
Can I bring my toy(s) in? おもちゃ持ってきていい? |
親: |
Yes, you can. いいよ |
Soak your shoulders in the tub. 肩まで浸かって |
Are you warmed-up? 温まった? |
子: |
Yes, I am. うん |
Can I go out of the bath now? もうあがってもいい? |
親: |
Count to ten. 10数えて |
Then you can come out of the bath. そしたらあがっていいよ |
子: |
One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten! 1.........10! |
親: |
Don't forget your toy(s)! おもちゃ忘れないで! |
Ask daddy to dry you. パパに体拭いてもらって |
子: |
Daddy, can you dry me, please? パパ、体拭いてくれる? |
父: |
Come here. こっちへおいで |
No fooling, please. ふざけないで |
You'll catch a cold. 風邪ひくよ |
Now put on your pajamas. さぁパジャマ着て |
子: |
Look daddy, I can button (up) by myself! 見て、自分でボタンかけらるんだよ |
父: |
Oops! おっと! |
You've started from the wrong button. ボタン掛け違えたね |
子: |
Can you button me (up), please? ボタン掛けてくれる? |
父: |
Try once again, okay? もう一度やってみようね |
子: |
I did it! できたよ! |
父: |
That's my son/daughter! 流石はパパの子だ! |