母: |
Hold on! 待ちなさい! |
When are you doing your homework? 宿題はいつするの?
子: |
Tomorrow. 明日 |
母: |
And when are you cleaning your room? 部屋の掃除は? |
子: |
The day after tomorrow. 明後日 |
母: |
I’ve had enough. もうたくさん |
You've been saying the same thing for a week. |
一週間同じことばかり言ってるじゃない |
Do your homework and clean your room, first. |
まず宿題をして部屋を片付けなさい |
Otherwise you can't go to the park. |
そうしないと公園に行ってはいけません |
子: |
Oh, please mom. ママ、お願い |
My friends are waiting for me. 友達が待ってるんだよ |
I'll do my homework this afternoon. 今日の午後宿題するよ |
母: |
No, you'll stay here. いいえ、家にいるの |
Do what you have to. やるべき事をしなさい |
I'll go to the park and tell your friends you're busy. |
ママが公園に行ってあなたが忙しい事を伝えてきます |
子: |
Come on, mom. ママ、お願い |
母: |
Did you hear me? 聞こえた? |
Go and do what you have to. やるべき事をしなさい |
子: |
...Yes, mom... ..はい、ママ... |