親: |
Exactly. その通りね |
子: |
Then why can we throw beans? じゃ、どうして豆をまくの? |
親: |
It's 'Setsubun' today. 今日は節分なの |
We throw beans to pray for good health. 健康を祈って豆をまくのよ |
We throw beans shouting 'Devils go away! Good luck come in!' |
「鬼は外!福は内!」って叫びながら豆をまくのよ |
After all, we eat the same number of beans as our age. |
最後に歳と同じ数だけ豆を食べるの |
子: |
I see... そうなんだ |
But why are you vacuuming? でも何で掃除機かけてるの? |
親: |
Because we’re going to pick the beans up from the floor. |
床の豆を拾うからよ |
And eat them. そしてそれを食べるの |