子: |
Here you are. はい、どうぞ |
親: |
Thank you, but I don’t use disposable chopsticks. |
ありがとう、でも割り箸使わないの |
I have my own chopsticks. マイ箸を持ってるの |
子: |
Why don’t you use disposable ones? 何で割り箸使わないの? |
They’re free. タダだよ |
親: |
I know but I want to save the tree. 緑を守りたいの |
Do you know how many trees are cut down?? 何本木が伐採されるか知ってる? |
子: |
About one hundred? 百本くらい? |
親: |
No, thousands and thousands. もっともっと、とてもたくさんよ |
They are cut down and made into disposable chopsticks. |
たくさん切られて割り箸になるの |
Thousands of trees are cut down just to be rubbish. |
ゴミになる為だけに切られるのよ |
子: |
Really?? 本当? |
親: |
Yes, and many animals are loosing their places to live. |
そう、動物達も住む所がなくなるの |
It’s hard to save trees with these chopsticks. |
このお箸で緑を守るのは大変よ |
But this little thing can change the world someday. |
小さな事でもいつか世の中変えられる |
子: |
I want my own chopsticks, too. マイ箸が欲しいよ |
親: |
You already have a pair at home. もう家にあるじゃない |
I’ll make you a chopstick case, then. お箸入れを作ってあげるね |