子: |
Can I talk to you? 今、話せる? |
親: |
Sure, what is it? もちろん、どうしたの? |
子: |
Do you remember our camping trip? キャンプに行ったの覚えてる? |
親: |
Of course! もちろん! |
We had a wonderful time, didn’t we? 楽しかったわね |
子: |
We went to a campsite called ... キャンプ場の名前が… |
親: |
’The Beautiful River Campsite’. 「美し川キャンプ場」 |
子: |
There was a beautiful river. きれいな川があったね |
親: |
And you went fishing with your father. あなたとパパで魚釣りにいったね |
子: |
We caught three...big...three... 三匹…大きな…三匹…捕まえたのは… |
Ah...three...ah... えっと、えっと、三匹の… |
親: |
Three trouts. ニジマス三匹 |
子: |
Yes, three trouts! そうそう、ニジマス三匹! |
They were delicious. あれは美味しかった |
And it rained the next day. で、次の日雨が降ったんだ |
親: |
No, it rained the day before. 雨がふったのは前の日よ |
子: |
Oh, really?! えっ?!そうだっけ?! |
(writing something)? (何かを書いている) |
親: |
What are you doing? 何してるの? |
Show me. 見せなさい |
子: |
Here you are. どうぞ |
親: |
A diary?! 日記?! |
子: |
This is my summer homework. 夏休みの宿題なんだ |
But I didn’t keep any, so... でもちっとも日記つけてなかったから… |
親: |
You have to keep a diary every day. 日記は毎日つけないと駄目よ |
Anyway, I’ll help you to remember. でも思い出すの手伝ってあげる |
Your school starts the day after tomorrow. 明後日から学校なんだから |